
ho'oponopono imageHo’oponopono – The way to better relationships

Ho’oponopono is an ancient healing process that has been practiced for centuries in Hawaii. It focuses on resolving relationship problems between family members, transforming negative emotions into love and forgiveness in order to become more mindful. In recent years Ho’oponopono has become increasingly popular mainly due to the work of Dr Hew Len and Dr Jo Vitale through their book “Zero Limits”. The process is simple, yet very powerful.

Ho’oponopono can be useful for:

  • Parents, enabling them to understand their emotions regarding their
  • Children who can also be introduced to Ho’oponopono to allow them to process how they feel then let that emotion go
  • Those who want to build better relationships – as you change so will your relationships
  • People who attract events to them where they become the victim – Ho’oponopono allows you to step out of the victim mode by owning your part in every event
  • Anyone who wants let go of negative emotions

If we are angry we will attract more anger, if we are scared we will attract more fear. Past hurts and painful memories are still awake in our subconscious. Their energy affects us in our everyday lives. We feel the energy when we become emotional.

Unresolved trauma will follow us wherever we go as long as we feel the emotion from the trauma. We will see them in the events in our lives. When we resolve the trauma the events stop. An example of the ‘plague’ of unresolved trauma is when we blame our partners for being just like one of our parents. The issue is unresolved with the parent and we see it in our partner.

What can we do?

Use EFT for the emotion

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) involves tapping with ones fingertips on energy points whilst repeating key phrases around negative emotions.

EFT allows us to let go of negative emotions. It works very well when used with Ho’oponopono because it allows us to stay out of the maze of logic. Trying to think our way out of an issue will never work. The key lies in working with our emotions.

For example, if we feel guilt we can tap on ‘this guilt’. Tapping on the energy points for a specific emotion will lessen the strength of that emotion.

Take responsibility for our part in the emotion

When we say ‘sorry’ for our part in any event in our lives and the emotion we feel doesn’t mean we are letting the other person ‘off the hook’. We are, in fact, owning our emotions and admitting we feel them. It’s always about us, never about anyone else.

‘I’m sorry, please forgive me for my part in this emotion/event. Please forgive me.”

Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world

Through saying sorry and asking forgiveness for our part in any event in our lives (including our relationships), we take 100% responsibility. We put down the swords of un-forgiveness, blame and resentment.

When we ask for forgiveness from the events that cause negative emotion we tap into to our subconscious mind (which holds all the memories, trauma and beliefs), and appeal to the superconscious mind. Then the negative emotion we feel is fully transformed into a more loving emotion. The superconscious mind is something ‘greater’ than ourselves, that we are a part of, e.g. the universe or our higher self – a force for love and kindness.

Saying ‘I love you’ deepens trust and allows us to feel more connected

When we view the world through our logical mind alone it is as if we see the world from the viewpoint of an ant. The superconscious knows what we need to let go of – exactly which memories – we would never find these using our logical mind.

Saying ‘I love you’ to The Universe allows us to immediately feel supported and connected to our source, whatever that may be. The more you say the words the more you feel the support and develop trust in something greater.

This leads to gratitude.

‘Thank you for blessing me. Thank you for allowing me to let go of this negative emotion’.

Working on the stress of the negative emotion you feel then saying ‘I’m sorry’, ‘please forgive me’, ‘I love you’ and ‘thank you’ is powerful process.

Are you ready to let go of negative emotions and bring more love into your life. If so, then call John for a free 20 minute telephone consultation on 01273 241204, 07533 991 731 (mob) or email: emoshift@yahoo.co.uk

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