EFT offer in Brighton and Hove from Hove Stressbusters

If you would like to try EFT and live in Brighton or Hove (or the surrounding area), we’re offering one session or a series of four sessions at 30% off as part of the Hove Stressbusters community. There are a number of other therapies on offer from the voucher below…..


hovestressbusters deal


Hove Stressbusters are a community of like-minded therapists from Brighton, Hove and other parts of Sussex who have come together to offer talks and affordable treatments and workshops. Talks on Yoga, Mindfullness, NLP, EFT and many more are offered by experienced practitioners. They are fun, inspiring and include useful exercises.

For information about Hove Stressbusters visit http://www.hovestressbusters.co.uk/ For more on EFT visit: http://www.alternative2counselling.co.uk/emotional-freedom-technique-eft/

It Makes Sense To Work From The Heart

Heart Energy ImageIt is a true saying that ‘the heart knows’. It makes sense to work with someone who encourages us to work from the heart. The electrical impulse of the heart is 40 – 60 times stronger than that of the brain. In fact, it has the strongest electrical impulse in the body and can be measured a distance of at least three feet away from the body.

Our hearts are where our real feelings lie. Continue reading “It Makes Sense To Work From The Heart”